
ADHD in the Classroom: Supporting Student Success

Level: Introductory

Length: 3.0 hours

Recommended for: Educators, Support Workers

Certificate: Yes

Format: Audiovisual Media, Handouts, Test

Pre-requisite: None

Type: Course

Price: $299 CAD

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder that affects approximately 5-9% of children. This course will help educators better understand how ADHD impacts student learning, and shares approaches that help create an ADHD-friendly classroom. Participants will understand how ADHD can affect student motivation, activity level, attention, and memory.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

• Understand what ADHD is (and is not)

• Recognize ADHD-related challenges and behaviors in students

• Create ADHD-friendly learning spaces, routines, and positive relationships with students with ADHD and their caregivers

• Solve problems in a way that helps students with ADHD develop important skills, models empathy and perspective-taking, and strengthens student-educator relationships

• Address challenging behaviors that may arise due to ADHD impairments in a way that preserves the rights of neurodiverse students

• Respond effectively to episodes of dysregulation

ADHD in the Classroom: Supporting Student Success includes practical handouts to facilitate the application of the knowledge shared in the course, including effective educator-student problem solving, strategies to regulate the limbic system and the application of scaffolding steps when teaching new skills. It also provides first-hand parent and individual experiences of ADHD in the education setting.

Core Teaching Strategies for Autistic Students

Level: Introductory

Length: 4.5 hours

Recommended for: Educators, Support Workers

Certificate: Yes

Format: Audiovisual Media, Case Studies, Handouts, Test

Pre-requisite: None

Type: Course

Price: $399 CAD

Are you an educator looking to develop your professional skills when teaching and supporting students with autism? 

 This course provides a comprehensive overview of autism and teaching strategies, including practical takeaways for educators working with students in a classroom environment. It incorporates perspectives from individuals with autism and educators working with autistic students to further enhance your learning experience.  

Core Teaching Strategies for Autistic Students also includes an exclusive downloadable workbook for applying knowledge and reviewing course material.  

By the end of this course, you will be able to:  

• Recognize the core features of the diagnosis of autism and important considerations for relationship building  

• Understand inclusive education and teaching practices for autism acceptance 

• Identify evidence-based strategies and accommodations for teaching various skills in the classroom  

• Recall core strategies for supporting communication skills 

• Recognize strategies to support emotional self-regulation and sensory processing  

• Identify the benefits of social skills and self-determination and identify strategies to develop each 

You will develop a set of core skills to improve your teaching practices to support autistic students. 

Autism Intervener Course

Level: Introductory

Length: 3.0 hours

Recommended for:  Educators, Health Professionals, Caregivers, Support Workers

Certificate: Yes

Format:  Audiovisual Media, Handouts, Test

Pre-requisite: None

Type: Course

Price: $299 CAD

To intervene means to get involved. A powerful advocate is an educated one. If you care for, teach or work alongside someone with autism and seek comprehensive insight for support considerations, this course is right for you.

By following a case study of an individual with ASD throughout their lifespan, you will gain perspective on common characteristics, strengths and accommodations for individuals on the spectrum.

In this course, you will:

• Learn the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder

• Understand considerations specific to child and adulthood

• Review evidence-based interventions for reaching goals

• Learn accommodations for workplace inclusion and safety concerns

This comprehensive course will educate and inspire you to intervene to assist individuals with autism achieve their goals.

ABA for Educators - Reinforcement and Prompting

Level: Intermediate

Length: 6.0 hours

Recommended for: Educators

Certificate: Yes

Format: Audiovisual Media, Case Studies, Test

Pre-requisite: Some prior knowledge of autism

Type: Course

Price: $299 CAD

Students with autism may have difficulty expressing their wants, needs and preferences. Some students may appear unmotivated, and require extra assistance with daily routines or learning new skills. In this course, you will acquire the skills and knowledge to implement prompting and reinforcement strategies more effectively and with greater confidence in your classroom.  

In this course you will: 

• Understand how to determine reinforcement schedules   

• Learn the difference between positive and negative reinforcement 

• Understand how to deliver reinforcement effectively 

• Identify ways to assess and prevent errors in a teaching interaction 

• Learn which prompts to use when teaching a particular skill 

• Identify criteria for fading prompts via a prompting hierarchy 

You will understand how to better motivate your students by determining individualized reinforcers. By following a systematic prompting plan, you will help students reach independence with more ease. 

Coping with Anxiety in Autism

Level: Intermediate

Length: 2.0 hours

Recommended for: Educators, Health Professionals, Caregivers, Support Workers

Certificate: Yes

Format: Audiovisual Media, Case Studies, Test

Pre-requisite: Some prior knowledge of autism

Type: Course

Price: $199 CAD

Do you suspect someone with autism has anxiety but are not sure how to care for them? If you are looking to deepen your understanding of the intersect between autism and anxiety to better support someone, this course is right for you. Approximately 40% of people with autism are also diagnosed with at least one anxiety disorder. Anxiety and stress can impact a person with autism in ways that can be difficult to cope with and specific features of autism may lead to an increase in the symptoms of anxiety.

By end of this course, you will:

• Identify how stress and anxiety impact individuals with autism

• Feel confident to teach strategies to assist in decreasing anxiety

• Be able to create a plan to prevent and respond to anxiety

After taking this course, you’ll have confidence to ensure appropriate accommodations are made for the individual with autism experiencing anxiety.

The Basics of Neurodiversity

Level: Introductory

Length: 1.5 hours

Recommended for: Educators, Caregivers, Health Professionals, Community Organizations, Support Workers

Certificate: Yes

Format: Audiovisual Media, Test 

Pre-requisite: None

Type: Course

Price: $99 CAD

The neurodiversity movement is successfully shifting perceptions of deficit-based stereotypes, but what exactly does neurodiversity mean? Presenter Mary Klovance discusses Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Giftedness and details the ways these differences overlap and intersect in children, youth and adults.   

Explore this important topic to find out more about neurodiverse individuals and ways to support inclusion and acceptance. 

Learning Objectives:

• Understand the term neurodiversity 

• Describe qualities of neurodiversity 

• Identify different types of neurodiversity 

• Explain methods to support neurodiversity in various environments 

We interact with neurodiverse individuals in all aspects of our lives – at school, at home, and in the workplace. This presentation will help you better understand what it means to be neuro-affirming and how to apply this important concept in all your interactions.